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Pupils  »  Personal Development

At Oakwell Rise we provide and enriched and thought provoking curriculum but also deliver a range of programmes to develop a child's confidence, skills and experiences. 

Mental Health Awareness Colour Run
Our Year 6 Girls participated in a Mental Health Awareness Colour Run in May as part of our commitment to support Girls in Sports. 

Asylum and Refugee Workshops
The Refugee Council at Barnsley visited our students in years 4-6 to deliver workshops to discuss:-
- Who is a Refugee?
- Who is an Asylum Seeker?
- Who is a Migrant?
- What life is like for an asylum seeker in the UK
- They watched 'Hamid's Journey from Eritrea
- What life is like for a refugee in the UK
- They watched Save The Children's 'Most Shocking Second a Day

At the end of the session, our children wrote introductory messages to refugees. A few of the message are below:
'Hi, you look nice. I can teach you how to speak English and I also want to say to you, it would be a pleasure to have you in our class, so welcome'
'Hello, you must be new. Don't worry, I'll help you. New people are obviously welcome here. I'll be your friend. Good Luck!'
'I know that you are upset but you're going to be the best'
'Welcome to our school. You are always welcome.'
Dare 25 Programme
Our children in Year 6 take part in the DARE Primary Programme, a programme that has been evaluated as beneficial to students in UKS2 by Nottingham University. The programme lasts 15 weeks and aims to equip young people with a range of knowledge and skills which they can use as the transition to secondary school and beyond. 

Involvement in the DARE25 Programme has been hugely beneficial to all children in Year 6. The programme covers current and topical issues which are relevant to all children in this age range. Pupils have been engaged in the programme through its use of videos, role-play, opportunities for discussion and the 'no question is a silly question' approach towards these topics from the DARE programme leader. Pupils have enjoyed having open conversations about drugs, knife crime, alcohol misuse, prejudice and peer pressure through the carefully put together sessions and in a safe environment with peers. Overall, the DARE programme has been an important enhancement to areas of the children's PHSCE curriculum, as well as a good preparation for their move to secondary school.
South Yorkshire Police
We partner with South Yorkshire Police and work closely with our local Police Community Support Officers to discuss the local community, contextual safeguarding and anti-social behaviours. This promotes respect for authority and the local community.

Our children enjoy learning how the police work and seeing the tools they use to keep us safe.


Big Talk Education
This year we will be delivering our Relationships, Sex and Health Education aspect of the curriculum through The Jigsaw Scheme of Work and we have engaged the support of the specialist organisation ‘Big Talk Education’, who are a Social Enterprise recognised by national leading bodies and government. They work with 3- to 18-year-olds and have been involved in delivering age-appropriate education of this type for over 20 years, they also deliver training for Professionals, Parents & Carers. This subject is designed to equip your child with knowledge to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships as well as preparing them for a successful adult life.

Relationships Education will put in place the building blocks needed for positive and safe relationships, including with family, friends and online. Your child will be taught what a relationship is, what friendship is, what family means and who can support them. In an age-appropriate way, we will cover how to treat each other with kindness, consideration and respect and children will take part in the Growing Up Safe Program.
                          Meet our Relationship and Sex Education Experts and Support Staff        

Barnsley College Taster Sessions
Our children have different aspirations for their future and we want to encourage their aspirations by giving them the opportunity experience a snapshot of their chosen career or chosen academic path. We are fortunate to have links with Barnsley College who have led tours on their campus but also provided workshops for our children to participate in different career options; ranging from tourism to construction to catering. We believe in supporting our children's aspirations and can arrange workshops in most subjects to give practical experience of their futures. 

Top Trump Trips
Each half-term our children are rewarded for their positive behaviours with a Top Trump Trip. Our Top Trump Trip rewards our children for adhering to our School Promise but also promoting its values. We provide an experience to deepen their understanding of the local area, to take part in activities they may never have experienced or to unite the children in a positive and fun activity. Some of our Top Trump Trips have included a walk and picnic at Locke Park, a game of ten-pin bowling, a film screening at the local cinema and watching a nativity performance live. 


Personal Experience Workshops
Our children are exposed to a range of activities that help shape them into their individual characters. Our experiences are carefully chosen to link to the needs of our children. Our workshops are often provided to each year group and adapted to their age and abilities; providing inclusive experiences to all our children. Some of our workshops this past year have included: Parkour and Playground Games. Our Parkour workshop was very popular and enjoyed by all; providing safe tricks and skills for children from Reception through to Year 6. 

Guinea Pig/Pet Care
We have two resident Guinea Pigs in school - Tony and Bruce. Our children are invited to pet the Guinea Pigs to provide therapy and our Year 6 children are trained to care for their environment - changing bedding, adding food and preparing water. Our Guinea Pigs are part of the Oakwell Rise family and create a different aspect to our children's learning and development.            
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Office Apprenticeships

Oakwell Rise Primary Academy is focused on delivering life-skills and building confidence in all our students. As part of their development, we offer Year 6 students the opportunity to take part in a Work Experience Programme. During this experience, students will learn about the business/working environment, communicating with visitors and develop their business administration knowledge.

At the end of the Work Experience Programme, each student will have been assessed on different business learning objectives and on passing will receive a formal certificate and letter of recommendation.