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Safeguarding and Raising a Concern

All staff and members of the Governing Body receive Safeguarding training on a regular basis. Members of the Senior Leadership Team and the Parent Support Advisor regularly attend additional training run by Barnsley Safeguarding Team to ensure that we remain fully briefed on Child Protection matters.

We have a responsibility to ensure that children are safe and that any concerns that we have in relation to child protection will be dealt with swiftly, in line with our child protection procedures. As part of their duties, all private fostering agreements must be reported to the Local Authority. This is a statutory requirement and parents/carers of children must speak with our DSLs to advise of the agreement. Our LAC DSL is Claire Faxon.

Children are taught specific issues relating to safeguarding such as; road safety, stranger danger and e-safety. This is a regular and ongoing topic for the children to ensure their continued safety in an ever-changing world.

Our Designated Lead Officers for Child Protection are

Executive Principal

Jessica Jenkins

Executive Principal
Family and Community Worker

Lindsey Groom

Family and Community Worker
Head of School

Claire Faxon

Head of School
Assistant Principal SENDCO

Georgina Shipp

Assistant Principal SENDCO
Administration / Attendance Officer Safeguarding Support

Carol Talbot

Administration / Attendance Officer Safeguarding Support

If you have any concerns regarding Child Protection or Safeguarding matters please do not hesitate to contact the school office in person or by telephone  01226 281943 and ask to speak with the Designated Safeguarding Officer. You can, of course, raise a concern with any member of the school staff team who will liaise with designated staff on your behalf.

Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy can be located here.

How to raise a concern

If you are concerned about your child, we encourage you to speak to your child’s class teacher and allow them the opportunity to discuss the matter with you. If you remain unhappy, then you are of course welcome to escalate the concern to a more senior member of staff. Please contact the school office on 01226 281943. Oakwell Rise office staff are happy to help you get through to the appropriate person. Your concern will be treated as a matter of utmost importance and we aim to meet with you within the day as far as possible so that matters can be dealt with quickly and a satisfactory solution sought. 

Pupil concerns

Our pupils are encouraged to raise concerns they may have with an adult in school or with their parent/ carer. As a school we provide regular prompts and reminders through assemblies and through our work in PSHE of appropriate behaviour.

How to raise a complaint

We always want to be informed if there is something you are not happy about at Oakwell Rise. We ask that parent/ carers contact school with the complaint and it will be passed to the appropriate person. If you are still not happy, then parents are aske to follow the procedure in the complaints policy.