Pupil Premium Grant
Pupil Premium (PPG) is allocated to children from low-income families who are currently eligible for free school meals, pupils who have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years or pupils who have been in local authority care for more than six months. The introduction of Pupil Premium funding arises due to Government recognition that children who have been eligible for FSM at any point in time have consistently lower educational outcomes than those who have never been eligible for FSM.
It is our intention that PPG funds allocated to Oakwell Rise will be used to ensure that all pupils secure good or better levels of attainment, and all pupils make good progress from their starting points. Pupil groups are very carefully monitored each academic year to ensure equality of opportunity for all pupils and where attainment gaps are identified we take every reasonable step to accelerate the progress of pupils most in need. We are particularly mindful of the pupils who are eligible for PPG as we are fully committed to assuring the achievement of this vulnerable group in order to maximise future success.
Please see below for annual reports on the progress and achievement of pupils eligible for PPG funding:
PE Funding Grant
Government Funding to improve PE provision in schools was allocated in 2013 and will be allocated annually. Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but have the freedom to choose how they do this.
Please see below annual reports on the use of PE funding at Oakwell Rise:
Sports Grant Funding allocation and Impact Reports
- Sports Grant 2016-2017
- Sports Grant 2017-2018
- Impact of PE & School Sport Funding Report 2017 – 2018
- Impact of PE and School Sport Funding Report 2018-2019
- Impact of PE and School Sport Funding Report 2019-2020
- Impact of PE and School Sport Funding Report 2020-2021
- Impact of PE and School Sport Funding Report 2022-2023
- Impact of PE and School Sport Funding Report 23-24
- Evidencing the Impact of PE 2021
- Evidencing the Impact of PE 2021-2022
COVID Catch Up Funding 2020/21
Wellspring Academy Trust accounts
- Accounts for Wellspring Academy Trust- Click here
- Funding Agreement for Wellspring Academy Trust- Click here
Financial Benchmarking
- To view our financial benchmarking, please view here