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We teach mathematics systematically throughout school.

Pupils in all key stages enjoy an hour of maths teaching daily. These lessons include opportunities to rehearse mathematical facts (such as times tables), practise formal written calculation methods (such as column addition) and apply their knowledge to a range of problems.

We have developed a carefully constructed mathematics curriculum which focuses on developing maths skills in blocks. This means that, half termly, we explore a single area of maths that we expect all learners to master within the half term. Each year begins with an extensive block of focus into the basic number system (counting, number recognition and formation, place value, ordering numbers etc.) . This block gets progressively harder as children progress through school, and in KS2 affords an extensive period of time to the development of fractions, decimals and percentages also.

There is a very strong focus on children’s ability to calculate quickly and accurately using models and images (the ‘Maltesers’ method throughout KS1) and through formal written methods throughout KS2. A block of focus on addition and subtraction, and then multiplication and division, enables pupils to develop expertise in these crucial areas over time. As we focus on these areas for extensive periods, we are also able to secure a high level of accuracy in these calculations for the vast majority of pupils, and allow much time to offer increasing layers of challenge in the areas we are able to apply our knowledge within each block.

As the year progresses, pupils build on their prior knowledge of number and the number system and the four operations to explore geometry, measures, time and data handling.

In maths, all children access a daily maths lesson, as well as opportunities to consolidate knowledge through early bird maths sessions and regular arithmetic sessions in KS1 and KS2. We operate a same day intervention approach, so that pupils who require additional practice following any single maths lesson benefit from additional time to work with an adult in that area within the day. Any pupils at risk of underachievement in maths are well understood and additional intervention continues to focus on age appropriate expectations and securing the skills they need to thrive within lessons.

Pupils also benefit from access to a range of learning platforms to allow them to continue to develop their maths skills and extend their knowledge base at home.
