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School Time and Educational Visits

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At Oakwell Rise Academy, we open our doors to parents and carers at 8am via the hall door and welcome you in for a free breakfast, access to games, IT and chat. Classrooms are open from 8:30am where children can arrive for learning and settling in tasks to commence each morning. School starts at 8:45am.

School Times

8:00am   – Breakfast Club Opens
8:45am – Registration Closes
10:00am – KS1 Playtime
11:00am – KS2 Playtime
12:00noon – EYFS/KS1 Lunchtime
12:15pm – KS2 Lunchtime
3:00pm  –  EYFS/KS1 School closes
3:05pm  – KS2 School Closes

Our school week consists of 32 hours and 15 minutes.

After-School Clubs run Monday-Thursday between 3pm and 4pm. All clubs must be booked online (via the Arbor App) or by visiting the school office.

Nursery Times

8:30am – 11:30am – Morning Nursery
12:00pm – 3:00pm – Afternoon Nursery

30 Hours Funded Nursery

For the full time Nursery children, they will be an additional 30 minutes of lunchtime where children will need to be provided with a packed lunch from home or they can pay for a school meal. The lunch period will be inclusive within the offer and no further charges will be made. Additionally if you would like additional paid sessions please speak to the school office for further information

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Educational Visits

Visits play an essential role in our curriculum and support our vision that children will be challenged and achieve high standards through an exciting and enriched curriculum. Visits are planned within the locality and further afield to places of interest or relevance to curriculum areas being studied.

We take Risk Assessments very seriously and will always ensure that the risk of taking a group of pupils off-site is correctly mitigated through a range of measures, including a high adult-pupil ratio and the use of trusted coach companies. Each individual trip is thoroughly investigated for its suitability for hosting school groups and an individual risk assessment completed. Parents can request to see these at any time prior to a trip taking place.

Parents will be notified of all visits in writing and will be asked to give their consent for anything other than a local area walk. From time to time we may appeal for parental support with local area trips and visits. Please look out for that and let us know if you are available!

All Educational Visits are booked via Arbor. Parents are able to provide consent and medical/dietry information at the point of payment. By registering your child onto the trip or event, you are giving consent for them to attend.

The school office organise a large variety of trips throughout each half-term. It is essential that all consents and payments are provided by the date provided to ensure your child can attend. The school office must confirm numbers with venues but also arrange lunches with the kitchen.